Rib-Stitch Men’s Pullover – Free knitting pattern
- January 19, 2024
- Posted by: DIY Educ
- Category: Pullovers, jackets, cardigans
Lightweight smooth yarn
Shown: Alpaca Silk DK by Debbie Bliss, 80% baby alpaca/20% silk,
1.75oz. (50g)/115yd. (105 m): #26009 Teal, 13 (14, 15, 16) balls
Sizes 4 (3.5mm) and 6 (4mm) or sizes needed to obtain correct gauge
Size 4 (3.5mm) circular needle,
24″(61cm) long for neckband
22sts=4″(10cm)on size 6 needles in pat
Take time to check gauge.
Large stitch holder
Three small stitch holders
Tapestry needle
Small (Medium, Large, X-Large)
Finished chest measurement: 44 (46, 48, 50)” [111.5 (116.5, 122, 127) cm]
beg – begin
BO – bind off
CO – cast on
cont – continue
dec – decrease
k – knit
rem – remaining or remain
p – purl
pat – pattern
rep – repeat
rib – ribbing
RS – right side
WS – wrong side
*Â – repeat from *
With size 4 needles, CO 124 (128, 132, 136) sts. K1, p1 in ribf or2½”(6.5cm), ending with a WS row.
Change to size 6 needles. Work first rib pat as foll:
Row 1 (RS): P11 (13, 15, 17), *k2, p2, k2, p6, rep from * 8 times more, end p5 (7, 9, 11).
Row 2: K11(13, 15, 17),*p2,k2,p2,k6,repfrom*8 times more,end k5(7, 9, 11).
Rep Rows 1 and 2 until 12½ (13, 13½, 14)” [31.5 (33, 34.5, 35.5) cm] from beg, ending with a WS row.
Beg second rib pat as foll:
Row1(RS): For sizes Small and Large: K1,*p2, k2, rep from* across row to last 3 sts, p2, k1.
For sizes Medium and X-Large: P1,k2,*p2,k2,rep from*across row to last st, p1.
Row 2: For sizes Small and Large: P1, *k2, p2, rep from * across row to last 3 stst, k2, p1.
For sizes Medium and X-Large: K1, p2, *k2, p2, rep from * across row to last st, endk1.
Rep Rows 1 and 2 until piece measures 15 (15½, 16, 16½)” [38 (39.5, 40.5, 42) cm] from beg.
Shape armholes: At beg of next 2 rows, BO 5 sts. Keeping second rib pat as established, work until armhole is 9 (9½, 10, 10½)”[23 (24, 25.5, 26.5) cm].
Place rem 114 (118, 122, 126) sts on holder to be worked later.
Work same as back until armhole is 6½ (7, 7½, 8)” [16.5 (18, 19, 20.5) cm], end with a WS row.
Shape neck: Cont in pat as established, work across 38 (40, 42, 44) sts, place center 38 sts on holder (to be worked later for neckband), join new ball of yarn and work rem 38 (40, 42, 44) sts.
Working both sides at the same time, each with a separate ball of yarn, cont in pat as established, dec 1 st at each neck edge every other row 6 times— 32 (34, 36, 38) sts each side.
Holding front and back RS together, using three-needle BO, BO 32 (34, 36, 38) sts of each shoulder together, leave 50 rem sts of back on holder to be worked for neckband.
SLEEVES (Make 2)
With size 4 needles, CO 50 (54, 58, 62) sts. K1, p1 in rib for 2½” (6.5 cm), ending with a RS row. On next row, k, inc 12 sts evenly across row—62 (66, 70, 74) sts.
Change to size 6 needles. Work sleeve rib pat as foll:
Row 1 (RS): P4 (6, 8, 10), *k2, p2, k2, p6, rep from * 3 times more, end k2, p2, k2, p4 (6, 8, 10).
Row 2: K4 (6, 8, 10), *p2, k2, p2, k6, rep from * 3 times more, end p2, k2, p2, k4 (6, 8, 10).
Rep Rows 1 and 2 for sleeve rib pat and at same time, inc 1 st each side every 6th row 20 times, keeping inc sts in rev St st. Work even, keeping pat as established on 102 (106, 110, 114) sts until sleeve is 20½ (2l, 22, 22½)” [52 (53.5,    56, 57) cm] from beg. BO loosely.
Using size 4 circular needle, with RS facing you and starting at right shoulder, foll rib on back of neck working across 50 sts, pick up 20 sts along dec edge of left side, foll rib on center 38 sts, pick up 20 sts along dec edge of right side— 128 sts. Work in p2, k2 rib for 1½” (4 cm). BO loosely in rib pat.
Fold sleeve in half. Mark center of sleeve and pin to center of shoulder seam. Pin sleeve in place, then sew in sleeve. Sew underarm seams.
Blocking is not recommended for this rib pattern.Â
Two-by-two ribbing of the upper chest continues uninterrupted into the front neckband.
The rib pattern changes in the mid-chest.